Actions for the Socio-Cultural Inclusion of Women Distinguished

Actions for the Socio-Cultural Inclusion of Women Distinguished

Within the extensive cultural program of the Office of the Historian of the City of Havana for April, the Museum Casa de la Obra Pía proposes several actions as part of the Psychodidactic Laboratory for Women’s Care. This activity enjoys collaboration from other institutions, professionals, and activists from the historic part of the city.

Every Thursday in April, psychoballet encounters are held with therapist Ileana Freijes. Such initiatives are integrated into the international cooperation project «Promoting the socio-cultural inclusion of women in the Historic Center of Old Havana through the management of cultural heritage and psychosocial care with a gender perspective.»

The action is developed in conjunction with Kultura, Communication, Development (KCD NGO), and with financing from the Basque Agency for Development Cooperation.

Translated by Luis E. Amador Dominguez


Alicia Soto Smith