National Museum of Fine Arts to hold colloquium to mark 110th anniversary of its foundation

National Museum of Fine Arts to hold colloquium to mark 110th anniversary of its foundation

The National Museum of Fine Arts of Cuba will hold a two-day colloquium on 7 and 8 December to celebrate the 110th anniversary of its founding.

The first day will open with a lecture by Jorge Fernández Torres, the museum’s director. The second day will be opened by Roberto Cobas Amate, curator of the collections of the Surgimiento del Arte Moderno (1927-1938) and the Consolidación del Arte Moderno (1938-1951).

Twenty papers will be presented in panels on institutional collecting and scholarship, museum collections management and education, as well as new communication platforms and experiences for these venues and their thesauri.

During the colloquium, specialists from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Havana, the University of the Arts, the Historian’s Office of the City of Havana, the National Museum of Decorative Arts, the National Cultural Heritage Registry, the Matanzas Provincial Registry and various areas and departments of the institution will present their latest studies.

Tribute exhibition to Julián del Casal opens in Havana

Meanwhile, the exhibition Cuban Poets of the 19th Century. Homage to Julián del Casal will open in Havana on Friday 8 December. The exhibition, with works from the collection of the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes and the José Martí National Library, is the highlight of the colloquium celebrating the 110th anniversary of this emblematic institution.

The collection, curated by Delia López Campistrous, comprises around forty works, including engravings, canvases, drawings and sculptures. It is accompanied by a bibliographical display on the literary production of the most important bards of the century.

The works, which date from the 19th and 20th centuries, will be on display in the El Reino de este Mundo gallery of the National Library until the 31st of January 2024.

Translated by Luis E. Amador Dominguez


Edelvis López Zaldívar