New edition of the French Culture Month in Cuba

New edition of the French Culture Month in Cuba

The diversity, history and exponents of French art, customs and traditions will be present at the French Culture Month in Cuba, which will be held from May 10 to June 4 in Havana and Santiago de Cuba.

Mujeres en mayúsculas (Women in Capital Letters) is the theme of this new edition, which will focus on the work of women artists who propose a French-Cuban reading of identity and gender issues through a broad and multidisciplinary program in which music, dance, theater, photography, literature, architecture, illustration, design, fashion and cinema will come together to surprise all types of audiences.

The challenges of environmental protection and social inclusion will also be addressed, according to the note sent to Radio Enciclopedia.

The event, now in its seventh year, is sponsored by the Embassy of the European country and the French Alliances in the largest archipelago of the West Indies, with the support of the entities of both countries that will host the activities this month.

This cultural event was born in 2015 during the visit to Havana of François Hollande, President of the French Republic, who announced the creation of the Month of Culture of his country in Cuba in 2016. Since then, and until today, there has been a continuous program that integrates the best of contemporary French creation in all fields.

Translated by Luis E. Amador Dominguez


Alicia Soto Smith