Poster exhibition at Bellas Artes in honour of Che Guevara

Poster exhibition at Bellas Artes in honour of Che Guevara

The National Museum of Fine Arts in Havana will be holding a special temporary exhibition entitled Estás en todas partes: 11 carteles dedicados al Che as a homage to the guerrilla fighter, writer, journalist and revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara, kicking off on Thursday 12 October at 11.00am.

The Antonio Rodríguez Morey Information Centre will be hosting an array of 55 posters from the 50CHE international exhibition. According to Maithé Dublón Alonso, a specialist at the Cuban institution, the Azcapotzalco Unit of the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM) commemorated the 50th anniversary of the physical disappearance of the heroic guerrilla in 2017.

The university and the Poster Biennial of Mexico brought together fifty of the top designers from sixteen countries, with Cuban Félix Beltrán being one of the most remarkable exponents.

The works, which the UAM has generously donated to the National Museum of Fine Arts in 2019, «are characterised by their sobriety and minimalism, the use of symbols associated with Che such as the beret, the star. Of course, different reinterpretations of the mythical photograph taken by Korda in 1960 during the farewell to the victims of the attack on the steamship La Coubre», according to Laura Arañó Arencibia, curator of the exhibition.

The exhibition Estás en todas partes: 11 carteles dedicados al Che, which coincides with the 56th anniversary of the death of the universal revolutionary this October, will remain open until January next year.

Source: National Museum of Fine Arts of Cuba.

Translated by Luis E. Amador Dominguez


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