Long live May Day! For Cuba, together we build

Long live May Day! For Cuba, together we build

Once again, on this May Day, the squares throughout Cuba are filled with vibrancy as the voices of the workers, along with the entire population, rise to fervently uphold the momentous slogan chosen for this occasion: «For Cuba, together we create.»

Through numerous grassroots initiatives, the joy, responsibility and commitment of the workers’ movement are reflected in the decisive struggle to advance the economy with creativity and efficiency, giving priority to increasing food production.

The remarkable rallying power of May Day in Cuba has transformed it, for more than six and a half decades, into renewed days of revolutionary affirmation, national unity and defense of sovereignty, independence and peace.

From neighborhood to neighborhood, the national flag proudly displays its colors, accompanied by slogans reaffirming fidelity and commitment, whether on posters or resounding in centers where the efforts of the most outstanding in production and service are recognized.

On such occasions, the militant verses of the poet Roque Dalton come to mind: «I love those great popular gatherings where people raise the light of their throats under the sun… I love those great squares populated by the people, where all the world’s anger is washed away… I love these crowded afternoons where fists are raised and conquer the landscape… I love this people, in which I immerse myself as a drop of water loves its sea infinitely.»

The enduring example of Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro, always a champion of the humblest social strata, especially the working class, guides today and forever the expressions of revolutionary enthusiasm and confidence in the country’s leadership demonstrated by the entire population in massive gatherings at the side of the Party and the Revolution.

The enduring example of Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro, always a champion of the humblest social strata, especially the working class, guides today and forever the expressions of revolutionary enthusiasm and confidence in the country’s leadership demonstrated by the entire population in massive gatherings at the side of the Party and the Revolution.

On this day, his concept of the Revolution, articulated in the year 2000, celebrates its 24th anniversary, still possessing full validity and clarity of ideas, as it embraces the past, present and future history of the Cuban nation and serves as a declaration of the principles that the people defend and will continue to defend under all circumstances.

Long live International Workers’ Day!

Translated by Luis E. Amador Dominguez


Ana Rosa Perdomo Sangermés