6th Colloquium European Presence in Cuba

6th Colloquium European Presence in Cuba

The impact of scientific thought on Cuba-Europe relations will be the focus of the 6th Colloquium European Presence in Cuba, to be held in Havana from October 25 to 27.

Based on the premise that knowledge and scientific progress are essential for the development of culture and society, the sixth edition of the forum will focus on the impact of different branches of science in the shared history between the Caribbean archipelago and the Old Continent, starting with colonial thought.

Organized by the Center for the Interpretation of Cuba-Europe Cultural Relations (Palacio del Segundo Cabo), the Colloquium will focus on the exchange of ideas and the incidence of scientific thought between the Antillean nation and Europe; serial publications and/or books; social and human sciences; technological development; the imprint of men and women of science; environmental impact, among others.

According to the Call for Papers, the Organizing Committee will give preference to research that establishes links between Cuban and European scientists and scientific associations, as well as those that carry out transversal studies with the gender discourse.

The deadline for submissions is September 11, and to learn more about the regulations or for additional information, call 7801 7176, send an e-mail to amanda@patrimonio.ohc.cu, or visit the Palacio del Segundo Cabo in Old Havana.

Translated by Luis E. Amador Dominguez


Alicia Soto Smith